Butterfly Services


Fun Stuff



Minecraft is a computer game with a whole community developing and growing up around it. Gamers work hard providing entertainment videos and platforms which others can play on. Here is a link through to one of my favourite gamers, Stressmonster101, she definitely knows how to embrace her own sense of weirdness - you too can be that brave, go on give it a go!

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Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. ​ However, when I think about yoga, Bugs bunny tied up in knots comes to mind! (don't ask!), but as we get older it is vitally important to stay supple and build up and keep muscle strength and tone. Unfortunately our lifestyles have us sitting around for most of the day, which isn't good for posture or even our overall health. Yoga is a gentle form of exercise and I've tried to link through to a couple of different style teachers so that you can see how different it can be.

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Web Development

Web Development

If you're in need of a website, either personally or for your business, then why not get in touch with Lee - this website was developed by him! He has experience developing static websites and web-apps, as well as creating articles for his site which help other aspiring web developers.

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Colouring for adults has recently been invented, for those adults who used to act their age, for the rest of us we would pretend that we are helping the children and showing them how to keep their colouring within the lines! Anything which focuses the mind is good for you and colouring does have a calming effect on most people. I've added a link through to the download section if you want to be super cool and trendy. Until I get around to producing some designs for you, I've linked to a lovely website that has some cool designs.

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